Booking hotel, conf.hall

5 Zaliznychna Str., Kovel, Volyn region, Ukraine (booking, use eng/pln)
Tel. +380970293527(eng, pln)
Kiev - distanced approx. 441 km,
Lviv - 170km, Warsaw - 325km
Regional cooperation
- Volyn Border Region Cooperative Platform
- Platform Activities
- Other networks in Ukraine and other countries
Partner NGOs
Network of NGOs of Volyn Oblast:
- Volyn Investment Promotion Agency, Kovel - regional organization
- Community Initiatives of Vladimir Gavrish - national organization
- Entrepreneurs of Starovyzhiv, Starovyzhiv - district organization
- Mother Starovyzhivschyna, Starovyzhiv - district organization
- Center for Regional Development, Starovyzhiv - district organization
- LEAs Perspective, Novovolynsk, district organization
- Fund for Regional Development, Lutsk - regional public organization
- GO Pole friendly, Shatsk - district organization
- Help A Neighbor Foundation
- Happiness, women's NGO, Kovel
- Youth Center Kovel, Kovel - district organization
- Center Initiatives NGO
- Kovelska Region Red Cross Society of Ukraine, Kovel - district organization
- Student's Self Kovel Medical College, Kovel - district organization
- Kovelska District Veterans Organization, Kovel - district organization
- Start Small Children's Charity, Kovel - district organization