Booking hotel, conf.hall

5 Zaliznychna Str., Kovel, Volyn region, Ukraine (booking, use eng/pln)
Tel. +380970293527(eng, pln)
Kiev - distanced approx. 441 km,
Lviv - 170km, Warsaw - 325km
Regional cooperation
- Volyn Border Region Cooperative Platform
- Platform Activities
- Other networks in Ukraine and other countries
3 December 2011 - Launch of Volyn NGO Cooperation Platform
On December 3, 2011 a meeting of NGOs from small towns and rural areas of the Volyn region was held in Kovel. The meeting was a roundtable on "Strengthening the Impact of NGOs in Border Districts of Volyn '. Among the major issues discussed were opportunities and resources for NGOs to cooperate and address common problems and develop joint activities. Continued exchanges of information and joint activities based on these discussions will strengthen the institutional development of local community organizations and improve their organizational capacity.