Booking hotel, conf.hall

5 Zaliznychna Str., Kovel, Volyn region, Ukraine (booking, use eng/pln)
Tel. +380970293527(eng, pln)
Kiev - distanced approx. 441 km,
Lviv - 170km, Warsaw - 325km
Regional cooperation
- Volyn Border Region Cooperative Platform
- Platform Activities
- Other networks in Ukraine and other countries
2 March 2012 - Seminar on “Developing the Tourism Sector to Strengthen the Cross-border Cooperative Platform”
On 2 March 2012 during a seminar entitled “Developing the Tourism Sector to Strengthen the Cross-border Cooperative Platform”, participants in Kovel received several presentations that showcased the tourism potential in Turiysk, Shatsk and Kovel districts (See Knowledge Base).
The presentation “Tourism in the EU: Operation and Funding Projects” was particularly informative and useful for all participants. It was presented by Zenon Kichka, chairman of the Warsaw chapter of the Polish National Economic Chamber, head of HOLDIKOM and an expert on national planning.
Tourism conditions in the Volyn region are in need of improvement and increased cooperation between authorities. A long-term strategy is required to develop the interconnected tourism infrastructure necessary for a vibrant and successful industry, to be implemented over several years.
This seminar followed up several meetings between representatives of the Kovel, Turiysk and Shatsk district administrations, where they identified the development of the tourism sector as a priority for the 2012-2013 period. To that end, the partners have formed a working-group to develop this long-term strategy of the Polish-Ukrainian cross-border tourism sector.
Natalia Oksenyuk