Booking hotel, conf.hall

5 Zaliznychna Str., Kovel, Volyn region, Ukraine (booking, use eng/pln)
Tel. +380970293527(eng, pln)
Kiev - distanced approx. 441 km,
Lviv - 170km, Warsaw - 325km
Regional cooperation
- Volyn Border Region Cooperative Platform
- Platform Activities
- Other networks in Ukraine and other countries
3 May 2012 - "Tourism as a Chance for Border Area Development" Conference
On May 3, 2012, an international conference entitled "Tourism as a Chance for Border Area Development" was held in Kovel. Participants included the Kovel, Shatsk and Turiysk district administrations, Kovel Employment Center, tourism-based NGOs, tour operators and representatives of tourism businesses. The conference was hosted in partnership with the Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University and the Polish National Chamber of Commerce.